Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Things I Love For No Good Reason

1. Riding on airplanes. I don't like traveling, but I do like the airplane rides. I don't know why.

2. 10th Kingdom.

3. School supplies. Fresh notebooks, pens, especially the colored gel pens (I know, SO 7th grade), highlighters, post-its (pink ones!), new mechanical pencils with matching mechanical erasers (they do have to match or else it bugs me to no end) name it, I love it.

4. Minesweeper.

5. TV shows about the paranormal. More often than not they're just drama but I love them anyway!

6. Really crappy movies. But a lot of people love these. They're just so good for making fun of!

7. Brand new asphalt with brand new paint lines!

8. CDs over mp3s. I just like having a hard copy, that's all...

9. Nyquil. I love the way it tastes. I love the way it feels warm going down. Mmm!

10. Filtered water. I know, it's almost the same thing, but I feel better if my water has been filtered.


  1. You and I are a lot alike :D I love flying on airplanes, I have a hard time not buying school supplies, I love paranormal shows, CDs, bottled water (AND WATER BOTTLES. I have to stop myself from buying Camelbaks.) And I don't love how Nyquil tastes, but I like how it makes me feel.

  2. yes. so much of this. I love airports. Even with the expensive food. I love to watch people there. I also love school/office supplies. Blank forms are fun. CDs over mp3s for sure.
