Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Text Time 28

Kwiddens: "Troma awarness"
Me: Huh? Trauma awareness?
Kwiddens: Yep. A la Isaac's parents' neighbor.
Me: Wow.

Kwiddens: This girl I know posted on Facebook that she had a "mind grain".
Me: Hahaha
Kwiddens: And another girl "At lease I have real friends!"
Me: Ugh.

 Moose has Desitin on his face and he looks like an uruk-hai.


I was playing in mud!

Kwiddens: I'm a terrible mom. Sometimes Nyah eats condiments for meals just because that's what she wants.
Me: Hahaha. Well, ketchup is a fruit...
Kwiddens: I'm talking peanut butter, cream cheese...
Me: Peanut butter has protein and heart-healthy oils. And cream cheese has calcium and protein.
Kwiddens: That's what I figure :)


  1. Haha I love that you post text-time bloggies because then sometimes I get to see how people react to our craziness.

  2. Peanut butter can be a meal. Totally.
