Thursday, May 2, 2013

Autumn And Christmas

Here are a few skeins I've spun up recently (and by recently I mean in the last several months...).

This one is an autumny color, with browns and golds and oranges, and although these usually aren't my colors, they turned out so pretty that I'm loving the result:

And, back to another Christmas item, since Em has taken up crocheting and a little bit of spindle spinning, and hopefully will soon let me teach her knitting, I made her yarn for Christmas last year in her favorite colors, red and black:

Both of these skeins turned out very even, about a sport or DK weight, which is what I was aiming for, so I was totally happy with that. I'm pretty sure they were both merino, too, and I got both braids from a woman in my knitting group who is a total genius with a dye pot.

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