Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Too Bad...

Me Training someone is hard work. Especially because I'm a control freak and I'm having to let go.
Mim I know, I hate training, too.  My boss wants me to train the secretary to do my job.   While doing my job, which takes all of my time.
Me That's the thing. I'm having to slow way down. I'm getting things done in double the time.
And there are little, irrelevant things I do because of OCD tendencies that my coworker is not doing and it's making my skin crawl.

Mim I hereby grant you dispensation from all rules of decent behavior:  Slap him.
From the Pope, through me, to you.
You're welcome.
Me Too bad we're not Catholic.
Mim We should convert.  Then develop bad habits we can give up for lent.

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