Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Sno-Cone Was Enormous

Last night I went to the Utah State Fair with a few friends. We had a blast! I haven't gone in a few years because the thing I like the most is the rides and I usually have nobody to ride with me (Scott doesn't like rides. He gets nauseated too easily. Also, they probably would be too hard on his back.) but this year my friend and I rode all the rides and it was so awesome. Since we went on a Tuesday night, there were almost no lines for rides (although there were long lines for food, except the gyro line, which is where I went) and we got to ride a few of them multiple times.

I really enjoy the rides, but more than that I love fair food! I had a gyro and some baklava, and later I had a giant sno-cone (Barbie flavored, which is bubblegum and cotton candy, because as you all know, I have the taste of a nine-year-old). Scott had some twirly fried potato thingies and later on a turkey leg, which made him pretty sick because of the grease, so he only ate a little bit of it and then he gave it to Buster when we got home. Buster didn't quite know what to make of it, so we had to pull off bits of meat and feed them to him.

Anyway, it was really good for us to get out of the house. We really enjoy spending time with the other couple who went with us. Most of all, Scott needed some sort of amusement to keep his mind off the pain and nausea and withdrawal symptoms (he had forgotten some meds that morning), and I think we accomplished that pretty well.

The only thing I didn't like was getting home so late. I usually hop into bed around 8:00 and am sleeping by 9:00 (because let's face it: I'm an old lady at heart), but I didn't get to sleep until about 11:00 last night, and today I am just dragging. I had a coffee this morning and that is helping, but I'm still sleepy. Oh well, it was totally worth it to have such a good time with some awesome friends.

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