Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Two Poor Babies

I just wanted to check in and share a few bits of news.

First of all, Scott broke his foot. We have NO IDEA how it happened, but the doctor said that it was about four months ago, based on the x-rays.

He had been having some foot pain for quite some time, and when it started to get really bad and he felt a grinding inside his foot, he went to the Doctor, who said that he didn't think it was broken, but they'd take x-rays anyway just to be sure. They took four, all at different angles, and as the doctor was perusing them, he looked at each one and said, "Yep, not broken" until he got to the fourth one, when he said "Oh...".

Apparently there is a little bone at the base of his big toe that had broken into two pieces (somehow) and then healed two separate pieces. Kwiddens had something similar happen, and she had surgery to fix the problem, and they ended up putting metal plates in her foot to get the bones to heal back together. I suppose for some reason this wasn't an option for Scott's break, so there's nothing to be done about it AT ALL except to put an insert in his shoe to cushion it.

And the next bit of news: POOR BUSTER. Scott left for work yesterday and everything was fine. Then he realized he had forgotten something, turned around and headed back home, and walked into the house to find Buster, as happy to see Scott as ever, with blood gushing from his eye. Scott thought he'd better take him to the vet to make sure his eye wasn't damaged. The vet was in surgery, so we had to wait for him to take a look...that was a long couple of hours, just waiting for news. Anyway, it turns out his eye is fine, but there's a big scrape where he lost a lot of skin and a bit of flesh, and we still can't for the life of us figure out how in the hell it happened. I mean, we looked all over the house at all the corners and sharp surfaces and there was no blood or fur anywhere.

Anyway, he's mostly fine. We just have to give him antibiotics and put some ointment on it twice a day, and he should heal up just fine. It's still sad, though. Poor baby.

So that's the latest news from the Walker house. Other than these unfortunate incidents, everything is mostly okay.


  1. Poor, poor, poor. Let's have a "broken" club and eat delicious things and watch movies. K?
