Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Baby Shower Dinosaur

A friend recently had a baby shower. We had it at a cafe in Clearfield and I had the most delicious hash browns with gravy and cheese and bacon and mushrooms, and scones, and lots of coffee, yum! And afterward we went to a yarn store, but I digress...

Anyway, her shower theme was dinosaurs, so along with the 10 burp rags I crocheted her (in two different colors: blue/white and green with pink/purple bits) I made her a stuffed dinosaur! Of course, I forgot to take pictures of the burp rags, but they weren't remarkable so it's not like I'd be showing off if you got to see a picture of them...

My friend came over and, in exchange for some spinning fiber, she sewed all the pieces up for me because she's such a good friend and I hate sewing. In fact, I will probably never make a stuffed toy again because not only do I hate sewing, but I've now made two dinosaurs, one knitted and one crocheted, and I didn't particularly enjoy making either of them.

Anyway, Scott said it was hideous but I thought it turned out kinda cute. Slightly wonky, but cute.

1 comment:

  1. That thing is hideous ... but it is wonderful for a kid, so it is just right.
