Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Company For Thanksgiving

The thing about winter is, well, SAD hits me pretty hard. But this year I'm on a new med, and it seems to be making a difference. I mean, I'm tired and want to sleep a lot, but I felt that way before the sun started hiding from me. Usually my moods drop down way low and I have to bust out my light and do happy things to keep my mind off of everything, but this year, so far, I feel fine. In fact, I feel the same as I did during the summer. Interesting... I can handle being tired. I mean, I'm the reason napping was invented. It's the bridge between me and the animals that hibernate.

My anxiety level is also still way down, which is awesome because I have friends coming to stay over Thanksgiving. They arrive this afternoon and leave Sunday morning. Usually this would have me in hysterics, because what if my house isn't clean enough, and what if I'm not entertaining enough, and what if they leave and don't like me anymore? Cue (irrational, ridiculous) panic. But this time, though I'm feeling a little anxious, I'm not freaking the hell out like I would have before.

It's silly, really, to have anxiety over spending time with people you love and care about on a major holiday. I mean, really, Anna? Really? But think about it from my (crazy-ass) perspective: when I've had people over in the past, it's usually been Jorg, and he's so low maintenance there's nothing for me to worry about. All I have to do is throw him and Scott into a room together with a few computers and they play games together for hours days. Hand him some food every few hours and he's happy. These friends who are coming to stay have come to stay before, but it was a last minute, one-night sort of thing, so I didn't really have time to get anxious before they got there, and then there was just the one night, so we went out to dinner, and then we watched The Big Bang Theory while Li got some work done on her laptop and her husband played games with Scott. Super easy. But this time, they'll be here for days, and I'm boring, you guys. All I do for fun is go out to eat and knit (spin, crochet, etc.), and trust me, I'm happy with it this way. Really happy. But Li isn't a knitter, so I don't even know if I'll get any yarning time in this weekend at all. I'm not worried about her husband and Scott at all, though. As long as he brings his computer with him, they'll be all set. We did buy a new board game, but I don't want to play games all weekend because there's nothing else to do.

We'll see how it goes. I'm more than likely getting worked up over nothing, as usual.

1 comment:

  1. I hope it goes well! I don't blame you. I get nervous in situations like that as well. It's just because I like my plans and my comfortable routines. Other people are nice, but they mess those up.
