Monday, August 22, 2011

Poor Scott! Sleepy Me!

1. My energy level is minimal lately. I don't know why. As long as I get coffee in the morning, I'm fine, but it's getting to where the first thing I think about every morning when I wake up is WHEN CAN I SLEEP AGAIN??

2. My boss is out of town this whole week, so I'm holding my breath and hoping nothing breaks. Please tell me I didn't just jinx it...

3. Em and Scott both had a birthday this past week. I won't talk about Scott's (he has refused to acknowledge it), but Em turned 18! I had her over this past weekend and we had a three-day sleepover with movies and crafts and snacks and such. I love having my family so close. I wish they were closer, but an hour-and-a-half drive is infinitely better than if they had never moved here to Utah.

4. I was making good progress on my sweater, but I was getting sick of working on sleeves, so I switched to the blanket for a little while. That's all I have left, though: sleeves and a bit on the collar. I tried it on so far, and it makes my waist look tiny and my boobs look awesome!

5. Poor Scott has been feeling very nauseated for a few weeks now. He finally went to the doctor today, and they ordered blood tests and did an ultrasound. The doctor was concerned that there might be a gallbladder problem. We'll have to wait a few days for results, and then we'll see.


  1. We need to hang out. For real right now.

  2. I hope it's nothing serious with him. I hate having something wrong that can't be figured out.
