Monday, May 25, 2009

Bunny Bunny Bunny

I went down to Mim's house for the Memorial Day weekend. I left Friday after work. I thought that since I get off work earlier than most people that I would miss traffic...yeah, no. It usually takes me about 80-90 minutes to get from my house to my mom's, but this time it took more than two hours...I know that's not really a long drive but I HATE driving so it seemed like FOREVER. So I got down there just in time for Mim to have to leave for work. Scott had spent time this past week getting Baby Lappie set up, but I hadn't organized any of my files or imported my music into media player, so Em and I sat up late talking while I put all my music in, which took FIVE HOURS because I am a music freak and have a zillion gigs. Before we did that, though, Em and Jorg and I went to the theater to see Night at the Museum 2 and it was really funny. We get in to see movies free because Mim works there, and we get free sodas too.
Anyway, Mim had to stay late, so we were all up way too late, and slept until 1:00 the next afternoon, which is amazing because my body is programmed to wake up before 8:00 no matter what. Weird.

Saturday Mim and I went grocery shopping at the new store in Salem, which she and Em say is really creepy for some reason, but I didn't sense anything. Anyway, we went home and made some yummy salad and then Mim had to go to work again. Boo. I took a nap and then when Mim got home (late again, some girl cut her hand and had to go to the ER and Mim had to fill in) we went out for giant salads at the truck stop in Payson (our favorite place for some reason...the service sucks but the food is ridiculously good somehow) and then we came home and watched the pink Pride and Prejudice (the one filmed in Provo) and of course it was hilarious.

Sunday, we slept in until noon (again, WEIRD) and did pretty much nothing all day. Mim had to go to a meeting, so I took a nap, and then we decided to go to bed at a reasonable time.

And then this morning I slept late again and I think I did more sleeping this weekend than I have in weeks, which is great because I'm almost always tired.

So that was my weekend.

Em got a new bunny named Desu:
I am DONE with the diet! Well, I can't eat carbs for another two weeks, but for all intents and purposes I'm done. I've lost 35-40 pounds, depending on the day (water weight changes with hormones, you know) and I feel so amazing.

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