I've been having trouble sleeping.
It started when I went off the Trazodone that I had been taking to help me sleep. If you'll remember, it was making me so shaky I couldn't get stuff done, so I had to quit.
While my mood adjusted pretty quickly to not being on it, my sleep did not. For the next few months I would sometimes be able to sleep normally, but more often than not I would lie there in bed, awake. So awake. But I was managing to get 6-8 hours of sleep a night, which is normal for normal people, but I'm not normal, am I? I need usually 8-10 to feel well-rested.
The other part of the problem was staying asleep. If I was able to get to sleep at a normal time, I would wake up several times in the night, so when I got up the next morning I would sometimes feel like I hadn't slept at all.
Anyway, these past few weeks it seems to have gotten worse. Way worse. I've been running on 4-6 hours of sleep a night, and so on weekends I pretty much hibernate to make up for it. I've been taking Benadryl, which used to knock me flat, but my body must be getting used to it because it's not making me sleepy anymore.
In fact, nothing seems to be working anymore. Benadryl, alcohol, Trazodone...even Klonopin isn't doing it anymore. I was so desperate for sleep a few weeks ago that I took a whole Klonopin and it didn't even make me feel out of it. I wasn't sleepy at all.
I don't know why this is happening. But it's wearing on me, and it needs to stop. Part of me wants to go in and see a doctor and get some Ambien or something, but I know someone who took Ambien, fell asleep, and woke up later in his car, which was wrapped around a tree. And that's not the only story I've heard about people doing strange (and sometimes dangerous) things while on that particular medication. I used to sleepwalk when I was really young, and that makes me nervous to take something to help me sleep.
So frustrating.