Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Another Conversation With Kwiddens

Me:  I forgotted to bring lunch, precious.
Kwidedens Damn, you'll have to get a taco or a cheeseburger.
Me How terrible for me. MY ASS HURTS SO BAD [this was after a 14-mile bike ride]
Kwiddens I'll light a candle.
Me:  And say a prayer?
Kwiddens:  Yes.
Me:  Cool. I may get through these hard times.
Kwiddens:  For your cheeseburger and your ass.
Me:  Hehehehe
Kwiddens:  We're so weird.
Me:  And fun.
Kwiddens:  Yes.
Kwiddens:  That little snippet has to go on the blog.
Talking with Kwiddens on GChat all day makes the day go by so much more quickly!

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